Monday 28 August 2017

The Triffid's children

Some weeks ago I talked about a self-seeded plant that I nicknamed The Triffid, which had invaded an area of the garden originally set aside for French Beans. The plant was obviously some sort of squash and since the squash is a prised vegetable in this household the decision was taken to allow the interloper to grow.

A month or so down the road said squash plant has produced fruit, some of which are maturing nicely. I'm still not entirely sure what we have growing, but believe they could be Kent Pumpkins.

The Kent Pumpkin is also known as Kabocha or Jap/Japanese pumpkin. It is sweeter than most other varieties and I'm told it is great in soups and salads. Whether I'm right about the variety or not, I'm going to be enjoying eating these one day soon.

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